
self tape tips
A4D’s series on How To Audition in a Post COVID World has been filled with tips for virtual auditions in 2022.. 

We received great advice from Jim Keith, partner and president, The Movement Talent Agency (MTA) and Brandon Sierra, Director of LA Talent / Agent, McDonald Selznick Associates (MSA). They share even more audition tips to help guide you:

A4D: How have auditions changed in a post-covid world?

Jim Keith/MTA: There are no more auditions with 100’s of dancers showing up and auditioning for that first round any more. Everyone’s taping first. There are a few in person first calls, but they are few and far between. In person castings are mostly at the call back stage. The majority of auditions accept tapes first and then they’ll bring you in for an in person if you get a call back.

Brandon Sierra/MSA: Auditions are still very different in that the majority of opportunities we’re seeing are still of the self tape variety with very few “in person” auditions or castings just yet. I don’t know that we’ll see this change drastically as it seems the casting world (casting directors / choreographers) has become accustomed to casting this way. This has been mostly of out necessity and in avoiding the challenges that an in person call presents working around covid rules.

A4D: How has the request for talent changed?

Jim Keith/MTA: We see less requests for talent being booked in bulk, especially dancers. It’s not as plentiful as it used to be. Definitely the size of the number of people requested has diminished. The number of requests are pretty much the same as before only less people are being hired.

Brandon Sierra/MSA: I think the biggest change here is that many jobs are requiring talent to be vaccinated and even boosted now (if eligible) which is something we have seen a lot of focus on for the past few months. I don’t know that the requests have changed outside of the dip in work that was created when covid was really running rampant. The needs of the jobs still remain the same as work returns.

A4D: What’s your best advice for adapting to this new world?

Jim Keith/MTA: My best advice is to Learn how to self tape and turn it in very quickly. On the Commercial side, the turnaround is very fast; typically on the same or next day. In New York City, you can get up to 3-6 days, but the sooner you turn it in, the better your chances that your submission will be looked at. Make sure you don’t sacrifice quality for the sake of turning it in quickly. If you wait until the last minute, you risk your submission won’t even be seen. I recommend using platforms like LinkTree that can be very useful for submissions because you can have links to your headshot, reels, and for buttons on your socials.

Brandon Sierra/MSA: You have to be on top of your materials more than any other time before. Photos and footage (posting consistently on your social media platforms) have always been important. But with a lack of in person opportunities, hiring authorities are really relying heavily on the fact that your materials are up to speed and fully represent you and your abilities as a talent.




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