Tools 4 Success

power thank

Two words, so simple, but so under-rated.

By Suzy Miller

I wear a lot of hats. Choreographer, master teacher, director, interviewer, and writer among them. In all cases, I encounter scores of dancers. At a recent Meet-Up in New York, I spent an afternoon in Grover’s kitchen talking to exceptional ones. Four days later… a thank you arrives, reminding me, once again, what heartfelt "thank you's" can do for anyone on the receiving end. Brandon Hudson’s words (see below) are a glorious example of the Power Of Thank You.

Not only are they thoughtful and respectful; they're smart. Forget about the fact that it's just good manners; it's also just good business.

Read them for yourself and imagine how you'd feel as the recipient. Then start exercising the simple strength of saying thank you. Trust us on this one. And before we forget - A4D'ers, we give YOU one big heartfelt thank you. You rock our world. - Suzy Miller

        brandon thank
Brandon Hudson responds to Suzy at the Summer Meet-Up

Grover & Suzy,

Thank you for allowing us all to come together, meet new friends, and have a good time. After a lot of listening on Sunday, I realized how "cozy" and "family-oriented" the site is. What you have created is more than just a site, it's a place where dancers with a genuine hunger can come and explore their options while feeling safe.

I look forward to working with the team in the future. Anybody who promotes love and persistence is alright in my book!

Thanks again,
Brandon Hudson



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